Sunday, January 07, 2007


If there's a small locker box for every of our personal characteristics, how many of them do you think are already open?
The locker for curiousity is probably open, the lockers for ambition, cheerfulness and effort probably, too.
What about trust? What about reliability? What about the lockers for being childish, more creative than necessary and for being a dreamer? Are they open?
If not, can we open them by ourselfs or do we need an additional person to open it? Maybe a good fried or a partner?
I'm sure that there are some more closed lockers in your personality. Probably on top of the shelf or down at the bottom. I guess the front lids are full of dust because they had never been opened so far.
Maybe these are the lockers for your most intimate characteristics. The ones that you appreciate most at yourself. The ones that you wish desperately that someone gets interested in. The REAL valuable ones.

Well, we should blow the dust away from time to time to give other human beings the change to spot them and maybe even try their keys.


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