Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I saw this guy a few days ago while sitting on the grass in a public park in Erlangen.
It was funny to watch him trying to cover his face from the sun. He started by using his shirt as shelter for his nose. A few minutes later he began to shield the sun with his hands, changing the position every minute as soon as his arms got tired.
For me it looked like a kind of Aerobic, maybe Sunrobic.

Hey sun, I'm not yet prepared for 6 months of darkness, low temperatures, rain and even snow. I do like autumn and winter, too, but please give me some more weeks for flirting with your beams.


At Friday, September 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Low temperatures?

Uhm.. I guess thats my fault..

Thats St. Peter's revenge cause I bought a big box of Dominosteine in the last days of August.

I'am sorry sweetie


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