Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Shoe is a Shoe is a Shoe

Click on photo to view it in different sizes on my Flickr account

Shoes unveil the differences between men and women. That's one of my basic beliefs.
It seems that women buy shoes because of the color, the style, because it's Wednesday or to have them prior to the other girls.
Guys have shoes for a purpose. Just for a purpose. And if a guy has more than just one pair of shoes one can assume that he has to deal with more than one special situation.
I thought about looking at things that are considered as "typically girlish" from a men's perspective and "the shoe prinicple" was the result.
Well, to be honest, I was surprised how many special-purpose-shoes I have. It's a little bit womanish, don't you think?

I added several notes to the photo. You have to click on it to see the notes on Flickr.

This photo is my contribution to the task "Guy Things" of my Flickr group "Project: Glimpse". See the group's page for more photos and infos about its weekly tasks.


At Thursday, November 22, 2007, Blogger wabizumai said...

ich will jetzt auch ein bild von allen socken!
- mit funktion und einsatzbereich:

so, vielleicht in dem sinne:

# linke socke (intrigiere ich auch richtig zum wohl der firma ;-)
# rote socke: ( bin ich auch politisch korrekt?)
# faule socke: (steckt in einer löchrigen socke auch noch eine faule socke?)
hm, fragen über fragen ...

At Thursday, November 22, 2007, Anonymous cel said...

A shoe is not just a shoe, it connects us to the earth... ;)

At Sunday, December 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wann geht´s denn hier weiter? Letztens, als ich mich sch... gefühlt hab, hätte ich gerne ein neues trauriges oder deprimierendes post von Dir gelesen, in der Hoffnung, mich dann besser zu fühlen (so wie J.D. in Before Sunset)- aber immer noch ganz viele alte Schuhe!


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