Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The World In My Living Room


Currently there's a big map of the world in my living room. A piece of string is pinned on it from side to side forming some zig zags over the continents. Some countries are marked with small flags.
Well, looks like a route, doesn't it?
Indeed it's nothing less than the planned route of a trip I'm about to start in a few days on Monday, September 08th.
It will take me unbelievable six months to surround this cosy little planet completely.
Somehow I wasn't able yet to realize what a big thing this journey will be.
Although I'm a bit scared right now I'm sure that it will widen my horizon a lot with thousands of glimpses into the unknown, hundreds of new people, a huge pile of new smells, colors I haven't seen so far and probably some smaller or bigger changes in my mindset.

Right now I'm in the last phase of preparations and my arm has a little plaster on it from the injection against rabies this morning.

I'll try to use this blog to keep you posted over the next months - as long as there are Internet cafés in Ho Chi Min City.



At Wednesday, September 03, 2008, Blogger LaLunática said...

Hallo Udo, schade dass wir es nicht mehr geschafft haben uns zu treffen, aber ich wünsche Dir von ganzem Herzen eine phänomenale Weltreise mit ganz viel schönen interessanten skurrilen verrückten vielleicht auch spirituellen Ereignissen. Lg. D.

At Wednesday, September 03, 2008, Blogger celia said...

I want a map in my living room too and marked like yours!!!! you are so lucky to do this trip, it´ll be so exciting, the world will be yours, great you will be posting, can´t wait for your pics

At Wednesday, September 03, 2008, Blogger SOe said...

Das nenne ich mal eine Reise! Gute Fahrt, Flug, Wanderung, Verschiffung oder wie auch immer du dich fortbewegen wirst von A nach B über X nach Z. Viel Spaß! Vergiß die Kreidetafel und das GPS-Ortungssystem nicht!


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