Thursday, June 25, 2009

Just Because You Close Your Eyes...

Seen on a handrail in San Francisco

Just because you close your eyes
doesn't mean the world disappears.

Is this good or bad?
Do you want the world to disappear or ar you scared that it might go away when you close your eyes?

For me it is both. Sometimes I just want to exist without any trace of world around me. Fortunately this is rare and in general I would really miss the world - my world - if it disappeared.
Hey world - don't dare to disappear!

A song from one of my favorite German bands "Wir sind Helden" explains that you are surrounded by the world - if you like it or not.

Es ist vorbei du bist umstellt
Um dich herum überall Welt
die dich nicht fragt was dir gefällt
die nur sagt: So ist es

Seen on a handrail in San Francisco.


At Thursday, June 25, 2009, Anonymous Andrea said...

Very nice posting. It reminds me of little kids putting their hands over their eyes and believing to become invisible this way.

At Friday, June 26, 2009, Blogger LaLunática said...

Happy Birthday !!!

At Friday, July 03, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Ich wuensche Dir
bunte Sommerfarben
ins Gewebe deiner Tage
dass du graue Zeiten
bestehen kannst,
ohne in Hoffnungslosigkeit
zu versinken.

Ich wuensche dir
helle Toene der Heiterkeit
in die Melodie deines Lebens
Befreiung zu Leichtigkeit
und Tanz
ohne fliehen zu muessen
vor den Niederungen.

Ich wuensche dir
guten Boden
unter deine Fuesse,
deine Wurzeln hineinstecken
und genuegend Halt zu finden,
um nicht heimatlos zu bleiben
auf dieser Erde.

Anja Sabine Naegeli

Happy birthday nachtraeglich.


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